jQuery Plugins

Useful light jQuery plugins that are handy to get the job done.

Get first item in list or null if no items in list.
Get last item in list or null if no items in list.
Determines if any object is a checkbox that is checked.
$.fn.setChecked( bValue )
Set checked status of all checkboxes.
$.fn.tableSort( oOptions )
Identify and define headers in a table for sorting.
$.fn.layoutBox( oOptions )
Get current computed box metrics for the first element in the set of matched elements.
$.fn.sizeControl( oOptions )
Controls height, width or both of an element to fill a container.
$.fn.emptyTextInput( oOptions )
Manages empty message for a text input field.
$.fn.setFocus( oOptions )
Set focus asynchronously on the first element specified until object is defined and actually get focus or the specified amount of time has elapsed.
$.fn.tocControl( oOptions )
$.fn.tocControl( sCommand [, oOptions] )
Manage a UL list with child UL lists as a TOC tree structure.

function $.fn.firstItem()

Get first item in list or null if no items in list.

First item in list or null if no items in list.

This method is useful for indexing the first element in a jQuery list without testing for length. The following is equivalent.

   // Normal method to get first element.
   var oElement = null;
   var jqList = $("div.something");
   if (jqList.length > 0) oElement = jqList[0];

   // Use this method instead.
   var oElement = $("div.something").firstItem();

function $.fn.lastItem()

Get last item in list or null if no items in list.

Last item in list or null if no items in list.

This method is useful for indexing the last element in a jQuery list without testing for length. The following is equivalent.

   // Normal method to get first element.
   var oElement = null;
   var jqList = $("div.something");
   if (jqList.length > 0) oElement = jqList[jqList.length-1];

   // Use this method instead.
   var oElement = $("div.something").lastItem();
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