inspections anywhere and everywhere

Bridge Works

Bridge Works is a user configurable integrated secure Bridge Inventory Management system that allows inspectors to work on site at the structure and communicate with all other users connected to the Bridge Works network. A demonstraton copy is available from the "Download" link above.

Bridge Works provides a secure data entry system that accepts recommended updates from any authorized user, but requires authorization from lead inspectors and inventory management before becoming permanent data of record. This gives you the freedom to allow anyone to update the database with only the basics in training and frees you from worrying about data corruption due to misunderstanding of how information is coded. This in turn expands your productivity because everyone related to bridge structures is using the application for entering data and communicating with each other, while the key inventory managers that know the current correct coding requirements, review and approve the updates.

Users are free to work anywhere and everywhere, only an Internet connection is required to obtain the latest updates on the activities of others. When an Internet or network connection is not available, the application operates on the latest information stored locally on the workstation and allows the user to make updates, which will be sent automatically once a Internet or network connection is available.

Configuration of the workstations and application is managed dynamically from the central server using the Configuration Editor. This includes adjustments to form layouts, reports, database tables, database fields, possible legal values for data, etc.. This simplifies management of workstation configurations and allows Inventory Managers to respond quicker to business requirements.

Web publ

Key features include the following:

  • Users work anytime, anywhere and everywhere.
  • In production use in Washington State by all local agencies and state inspectors.
  • Generates bridge inspection data to the Federal Highway Administration in accordance with the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, 23 Part 650 – National Bridge Inspection (NBI) Standards
  • Supports element data and new element data standards with help and notes.
  • Configure database, forms and reports on all workstations from one central location.
  • Secure system that accepts recommended updates from inspectors, but requires authorization to become permanent data of record.
  • Maintains history of changes to the inspection data.
  • Manages any electronic documents and photographs.
  • Repair life cycle management. Noted date of repair, review of repairs, publish of repairs, maintenance report on repairs and reject/accept maintenance done.
  • Provides central repository for any files, photographs, As-Builts, scour plans of action, signed inspection report images, etc.
  • Multiple photographs can be associated with any repair, BMS, or note entries.
  • Central selection, revision and publishing of repair information with photographs to the Bridge Works web site.
  • Provide ad-hoc data for passing information between inspectors. This appears as sticky notes on top of the application when a structure is displayed.
  • Continuous synchronization whenever connected to the Internet.
  • User application always functions while synchronizing, while connected to Internet and while not connected to the Internet.
  • Configurable database, entry forms and reports from central server using the configuration editor.
  • Web publication of inentory and inspection data is available.

Integragted Systems

The Bridge Works application shell provides a unified interface for inspectors, inventory managers and repair list managers. A structure oriented user interface with historical data has been developed over many years of work with real inspectors from many organizations. Our design philosophy is to give as full control to the inspector as possible while entering data and check the data after the inspector submits it to be part of the permanent record. In this way inspectors can use the application with little or no training while maintaining the integrity of the database.

In addition to the NBI inspection data required additional operational information is supported, such as required repairs, issues, type of inspections performed, how often each inspection type needs to be performed, As-Built drawing, notes, documents, and scanned images. With this information, inspections can be scheduled, list of repairs published and bridge information can be publish for general use.

Configuration Editor

Data tables, data fields, forms and reports are all managed from a central location by the Configuration Editor.

  • Data elements are defined and have attributes that are meaningful to the business. Such as a list of legal values for a field, allowable data range for a field, field description information and field labeling information.
  • Managed operations organizes the forms and user interface for each class of user. For example Structure Inspection, Underwater Inspection, Inventory Manager and Repair List Manager.
  • Data entry forms can be created, manipulated and organized in the Configuration Editor to provide tailored display of data and data entry information for the user.
  • Reports can be created, manipulated and organized to provide tailored printed output.

Centralized Data and Distributed Information

Bridge Works utilizes NetDB technology that continuously synchronizes updates with the central server whenever you are connected to the Internet. Therefore you can send and receive current information by just connecting to the Internet overnight or at the local coffee shop. You can work on reports while connected to the Internet and the synchronizer is keeping you up to date – or – while disconnected from the Internet and no updates are being performed.

In addition to the data being synchronize, NetDB technology also distributes database schema definition, application forms definitions and report definitions. Need a new option for a data element? new data element or clarification on a BMS element text? All these changes can be done through the central server and distributed to all the workstations. The management of all the workstations is done from a single central location.

FHWA Compliance for the National Bridge Inventory (NBI)

Bridge Works meets requirements all the requirements for the FHWA "Recording and Coding Guide for the Structure Inventory and Appraisal of the Nation's Bridges", December 1995 edition with year 2000 revisions. Data elements can also be expanded to provide more detail information while providing the necessary detail translation for reporting to the NBI submittal.

  • Generates FHWA NBI submittal data.
  • Provides FHWA Structue Inventory and Appraisal Sheet.
  • BMS Elements for Pontis.

Emergency Response Support

Bridge Works provides an effective platform to support emergency response to major disaster situations. List of affected structures can be quickly distributed to inspector laptops, inspectors can quickly acquire all current information on structures of interest, acquired inspection data can be quickly distributed and ad-hoc information can be made available to all inspectors. This is all made possible by the NetDB infrastructure that allows inspectors to work independently of the internet and synchronize their work with everyone else when they have access to the internet.